The 10th annual Terra Ceia Island Poker Regatta, held on Saturday, May 11 at Seabreeze Park, was a smashing success! Not only did we have beautiful weather and amazing volunteers, but we had the highest number of paddlers (98) since the inception. Many of the paddlers said this regatta was the best one to date! Registration began at 8:00 AM, but many eager paddlers arrived early. Our important volunteers working the sign-in table, Bobbi Vogel, Tammy Zonies and Melissa Neitzke.
Captain Bob Zonies hosted the regatta meeting at 9:15, explaining the rules, discussing the two courses and stressing that it was not a race. We were so glad to see so many repeat paddlers as well as all of the new faces. Wren Brady distributed the registration form to various kayak clubs in the area and it paid off.
One new paddler told us that it was one of the most beautiful kayaking trips he had ever been on
The 2013 Kayak Poker Regatta starting horn was blown at 9:45 AM and the paddlers were off!
The Concession and Griller volunteers did a wonderful job preparing and placing the food and feeding all of the hungry kayakers as they returned. Donated food enjoyed by all. Photo courtesy of Mike Kougan. Mike Koughan and Steve Nesius documented the event with their cameras, and Chris Holmes did a great job as the emcee for the door prizes raffle.
Several Terra Ceia residents won prizes, many of which were donated by VIA members. Congratulations to Randy Shelton who won a prize for the third best poker hand! The lucky door prize winners were Jay Sewell, Beverly Birkitt, Christina Koughan, Lisa Lawrence, Jill Jacobsen and Alec Nesius.
1st Place Winner - Wendell Brown.
2nd Place Winner - Ian Archibald.
Once again, we would like to thank everyone who volunteered, made a dish and/or donated prizes. Without you, we would not have enjoyed such amazing success.
And a very special thanks to our host and hostess, Bob and Tami Zonies!